Team Eurice Supports the EIC Community as Innovation Coach
The European Innovation Council (EIC), with a budget of €10.1 billion (2021-2027), plays an important role in the European innovation ecosystem. It supports researchers and entrepreneurs throughout their journey from the idea to the market and nurtures deep tech innovations.
Under Horizon Europe, the EIC support goes even far beyond funding and aims at accelerating EIC innovations and growth of top deep tech companies. In order to further leverage the EIC investments, EIC-funded researchers, innovators, or entrepreneurs are provided with access to a range of tailor-made EIC Business Acceleration Services (BAS) at any stage of development of their activities and the EIC research and innovation cycle.
On behalf of Eurice, Claire Fritz, Head of IP & Innovation, is part of the EIC's team of Innovation Management Coaches. In this role, she has already been part of the Innovation Bootcamp 3.0 and the EIC Summer School on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) earlier this year, and now she will be part of the Innovation Bootcamp 4.0 again in October talking about IP as a business asset.
The EIC Innovation Bootcamp 4.0 is a novel concept to help researchers navigate the entrepreneurial world and acquire the right skills to successfully exit the lab with a technology or product ready for the market. It consists of interactive lectures with group dynamics and hands-on work on business modelling and pitching. EIC researchers, innovators, and entrepreneurs benefit from tailor-made coaching, mentoring, expertise, and training delivered by specialized providers and adapted to their innovation stage.