News from our H2020 Project SYSCID: Success Story on European Commission’s Research and Innovation Website
Finding individualised treatment options for chronic inflammatory diseases
Since the project launch in January 2017, the 15 partners of Horizon 2020 project SYSCID have been collaborating to find precise and individualised treatment options for chronic inflammatory diseases, potentially leading to faster diagnosis, more effective treatments and even cures.
The European Commission has now acknowledged the project's potential with a success story on heir Research and Innovation website. The article explores SYSCID's personalised medicine approach including an outline of the project's different innovation pathways and short interview quotes from project coordinator Philip Rosenstiel (Kiel University).
On a regular basis, reports are posted on this EC platform presenting the most recent success stories from EU research. Additionally, the website offers an extensive project database of all innovation projects funded by the EU as well as information on funding opportunities, networking tools and EU regulations regarding research and innovation.
As part of the multinational SYSCID consortium, Eurice supports the overall project management and coordinates the exploitation and communication activities including strategic development, innovation monitoring and the implementation of various communication actions.