IMPROVE – Consortium and Review Meeting in Bavaria
On October 16 and 17, the IMPROVE partners came to Siegsdorf in Southern Germany for their second Progress and Review Meeting. At the Brückner Maschinenbau facilities, the partners found perfect conditions for two days of engaged project work – and were even able to visit the Brückner laboratory line in the course of the meeting.
The progress meeting started with an update on the status of each work package. The work package leaders presented what has already been achieved and discussed the next steps to perform in the project with the consortium as a whole. With ten months until the project end still ahead, the IMPROVE partners then dived into targeted group discussions on the work to be performed and the question how to successfully exploit and disseminate the findings of the IMPROVE research. Also, the annual General Assembly and Steering Committee meetings took place. The day closed with a traditional dinner of the entire consortium.
On day two, the consortium was supported by external EC experts, as a technical review was scheduled. Unfortunately, Hurricane Ophelia kept one of the experts from joining the meeting in person, but with support of the host she could participate in parts of it remotely. After a short update on the project status given by the coordinator, Prof. Oliver Niggemann, the partners presented the demonstrators used in IMPROVE to test different use cases. At the end of the meeting, the partners and the EC expert were able to visit the Brückner laboratory line in action which was a very interesting experience for everyone.
Altogether, the two meeting days were of great success and all participants used the opportunity to have intense discussions and adjust last parameters to make sure that the ten remaining project months lead to successful project results. The whole consortium was very happy to welcome the EC reviewers in person and virtually and once again wants to thank both who gave valuable feedback and advice to the project partners.
As part of the multinational project consortium, Eurice takes care of the project management and dissemination activities within IMPROVE.