Field Work Insights in Prague: Eurice Travels to AGENT Progress Meeting
From 10 until 12 May 2022, the AGENT project held its 2nd progress meeting. Partners were able to attend the meeting in Prague or virtually. Following many online conversations since the project started, the Prague meeting allowed partners to meet in person for the first time.
As management and dissemination partner, Eurice travelled to Prague to kickstart future communication and dissemination activities within AGENT and to participate in on-going discussions and activites throughout the meeting. Moreover, Eurice's Dr. Sonja Bergner led an innovation-related workshop to plan ahead for the exploitation of upcoming project results.
After introducing the CRI team, who were hosting the event, scientific coordinator Prof Nils Stein warmly welcomed all participants to the meeting. This was followed by compelling presentations on the progress of three different work packages and a key highlight of the three-day conference: a tour of the CRI genebank. To conclude the day, a joint dinner with all participants present in Prague took place at the host institution. The second meeting day continued with several presentations on the progress of the work packages. Insightful talks provided detailed information, and productive discussions inspired the consortium on-site and virtually both before and after the joint lunch break at the venue. In the late afternoon, all in-person participants explored the beautiful city centre of Prague on a sightseeing tour before enjoying another excellent dinner in a typical restaurant in the old town.
On the final meeting day, a general discussion on open items and new tasks provided the opportunity to review the presentations from the days before and debate the next steps in the project. After the wrap-up by Prof Stein, the consortium visited the genebank’s field experiments, which concluded the meeting.
The event in Prague provided an excellent opportunity to meet partners in person for the first time. Moreover, it offered a platform to present exciting progress in the project and identify new necessary action points to carry forward the successful cooperation and teamwork in the future.