Eurice Project IMPROVE Highlighted as Success Story in German NCP Yearbook 2017
The national contact point ICT in Germany has identified Horizon 2020 project IMPROVE as one of eight success stories in their yearbook 2017.Having received an EC H2020 grant without prior applications, IMPROVE is described as one of few proposals successfully receiving the grant in the first attempt. In 2016, for example, a total of 3,860 proposals were submitted to the EC, but only 970 of them have been awarded the grant. IMPROVE, putting the focus on self-diagnosis and -optimisation of production plants in a data-driven way, applies HMI solutions big data concepts and recent innovations in ICT to develop model learning algorithms. The project achieved a score of 14.5 points (of 15) in the EC evaluation and thus receives EC funding.
The project is in its second year now and has already achieved first results. The partners are working closely together to proceed with the implementation and optimisation of the algorithms developed at this stage.
The success stories yearbook presents EU projects realised by German enterprises, research institutions or universities. One focus is to create synergy effects resulting from cooperations between research and business. If you want to read the whole story or find more information, click here (available in German only).
As part of the multinational project consortium, Eurice takes care of the project management and dissemination activities within IMPROVE.