EU Health Research Funding: Eurice Expert Joins Workshop at the University of Duisburg-Essen
On Wednesday, October 25 - immediately prior to the start of the publication of the Work Programme 2018-2020 for Horizon 2020 - Eurice presented a practical introduction to proposal writing at the workshop “EU Research Funding in the Health Area” held at Essen University Hospital. In his presentation "From the Idea to the Proposal" Eurice expert Ingo Trempeck addressed all relevant aspects of proposal writing including an overview of the proposal structure of a collaborative research project and gave hands-on advise for proposal preparation.
In the current Work Programme Societal Challenge 1 "Health, demographic change and wellbeing" (2018-2020), a total budget of 2.005 million EUR is foreseen for funding of selected projects thus showing the importance of this societal challenge and its multiple funding possibilities.
Horizon 2020 funding is awarded based on highly competitive calls for project proposals, which are published on the Participant Portal. The calls for proposals define the thematic areas for which funding is available and provide all criteria that need to be respected.
Based on our outstanding experience and strong track record in supporting international research consortia, we help you to highlight your idea's strength and potential impact in accordance with the relevant call topic description and evaluation criteria.
Given the increased focus on impact in the Horizon 2020 programme and the importance attached to activities that help demonstrate and maximise the societal and economic impact of Research & Innovation (R&I) funding, effective plans for communication, dissemination and exploitation are considered increasingly significant for successful project evaluation. Communication activities to promote the project itself and its success, alongside the dissemination and exploitation of results should thus be key components of every Horizon 2020 project.
Impact plays a key role in the evaluation of Horizon 2020 proposals. In Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Actions, impact forms a third of the total evaluation score along with excellence and quality and efficiency of the implementation. Even scientifically brilliant proposals will fail if the impact section is not sufficient. You therefore need to assess objectively whether your consortium can deliver the expected impact – don't try if it can't.
If you think that your proposal can address the expected impact listed in the call topic description, make sure that you identify and plan all necessary activities to achieve the expected impact through effective communication, dissemination and exploitation measures (including proper IP management). It has to be clear that project teams aiming for a successful Horizon 2020 project need to reflect and address communication, dissemination and exploitation through an integrated approach that strategically targets these measure while being closely tied to the project work plan.
You want to know more about our proposal writing support and integrated project management services during project implementation? Kindly get in contact with us.