CureCN 3rd Progress Meeting – First In-Person Meeting in over Two Years
The CureCN Consortium met in Paris, France, from 31 May until 1 June 2022 for the third Progress Meeting. Coordinator Genethon was happy that 21 attendees could join in person and an additional 10 joined online. CureCN is entering its final project year. Therefore, the Consortium discussed the project’s progress, focusing on an update of the Clinical Trial as well as the next steps for the final year of the project. Special input from the Patient Organizations speaking on behalf of CureCN patients and their families rounded off the meeting. At the end of the first meeting day, the Consortium enjoyed an evening of re-connecting and getting to know one another at a French bistro.
Together with the coordinator, Eurice ensures smooth project implementation by carrying out various administrative, legal, and financial tasks. Furthermore, Eurice leads the CureCN communication- and innovation-related activities.
About CureCN:
CureCN aims to provide a curative gene therapy for the ultra-rare Crigler-Najjar syndrome (CN). CN is a life-threatening, so far incurable liver disease that affects about one in a million individuals at birth. CureCN started in January 2018 and was extended for 6 months in 2021 due to the challenges and restrictions presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information on CureCN, please visit the official project website: