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A New Boost to Our Health Innovation Ecosystem

On 1 February, we welcome Dr Sanja Šale in Sankt Ingbert to take over a leading position in the EURICE Health Innovation Ecosystem, our largest R&I portfolio with funding acquisitions of EUR 500 million and several product development pipelines such as AI-driven personalised medicine, med tech, cancer, diabetes, auto-immune diseases, ophthalmology or orthopaedic innovations.

Sanja worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School and Stanford University School of Medicine in different research fields, including cell signalling, cancer research and precision medicine. While working in Silicon Valley, Sanja became interested in start-up ecosystems and tech transfer. After returning to Europe, she developed and co-directed the first public biotech incubator in Croatia, where she managed several strategic programmes fostering the growth of an innovation ecosystem in life sciences.

After her position as Chief Science and Technology Officer, she joined the EURICE corporate group as a Senior Research and Innovation Manager at RISE in January 2023.

Her academic background and outstanding experience in R&I management, technology transfer and entrepreneurship make her a perfect match to further advance this significant project portfolio.

Welcome Sanja!

Your contact
Dr Sanja Šale
Senior Innovation Manager
About Eurice

Eurice offers knowledge-based consultancy services in project and innovation management.

Eurice Head Office
Heinrich-Hertz-Allee 1
66386 St. Ingbert
Phone: +49 6894 388130
Eurice Berlin
Alt-Reinickendorf 25
13407 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 374415840