FP7-Project DISCO Releases Interview Series with Project Partners
As part of the project’s communication activities, DISCO has produced a number of interviews with different members of the consortium. Eurice, in charge of project communication and dissemination in DISCO, took the lead in planning the interview series and elaborated a concept that allowed speakers to talk about their particular role and personal experiences within the project.
In June 2017, the Eurice team visited the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology (MPG) in Potsdam/ Germany and the Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL) to bring their fellow partners into the spotlight.
During his interview, DISCO coordinator Professor Paul Fraser (RHUL) describes the project in brief and explains its results and impact while labelling it “an effective alliance between academia and industry”.
Further interviews feature MPI director Professor Ralph Bock as well as Post-Docs Dr Genny Enfissi and Dr Marilise Nogueira who are working in Professor Fraser’s lab at RHUL. The researchers summarise their role and the results achieved at their institutions since the start of the project in November 2013.
As the training of Early Stage Researchers (ESR) is an essential part of DISCO, the interview series clearly underlines the importance of promoting the next generation of scientists. PhD students both from MPG and RHUL explained how the involvement in the collaborative FP7-project helped to foster their training and career development. For the ESRs, DISCO has been a great networking opportunity providing them with feedback from world-leading experts in the field. Additionally, DISCO allowed them to participate in training exchanges between consortium members and across different disciplines.
In this final stage of the project, the teams reflected on the progress they made together. Throughout all interviews, partners highlighted the great collaboration in DISCO and the outstanding blend of expertise in the consortium which sparked new ideas and led to new projects.
Watch the complete interview series here.